The Miracle of Human Touch

It touched me! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘


What is this great Power of Touch !
Which Everyone seems to like so Much ?

Touch is the most natural form of communication,
To feel, is the most beautiful Sensation.

We need touch just as much as sunlight, water, and food,
A Gentle Touch can change your mood.

From Birth, we feel the Touch of our Mother’s Womb,
With our Parents Touch, into an Adult we Bloom.
A Touch is a Body Mind and Soul, Connection,
Its Effect on you, is deeper than any Ocean.

In times of trouble, When U don’t know β€˜what’ to Say,
Just your touch, can make everything Okay.

A comforting hand squeeze, or a simple hug,
Is a Healing touch, better than any medical drug.

A Tight Hug, cud be a Strong Assurance,
While a Nasty Push, can be a sort of Vengeance.

A daily Hug, from your loved ones, is Best,
It helps…

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