What can you do to convert your ‘Pseudo Admirers’ into your ‘Fans’!(on wordpress obviously, in real life don’t even try!)

CAUTION: DON’T READ THIS POST IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD 60 Seconds From your busy lives! I will be more than happy if you do so later but read it till the end! 

So, welcome on board!! Obviously you’re not the only blogger facing this. There are many! and they include a lot of well established bloggers too.

I know it sucks when you compose a beautiful post yet no one likes it because they ‘actually’ like it. Many people  set  themselves into ‘click like robots’ and go on scrolling the page and the ‘like star’ glows up automatically!

So without wasting much of your precious time( which you shall devote to your future articles), I list the following tools which strike really hard:

  • Tell them what exactly do you want.( For eg. Write such a post(as this one) to make them understand, that no matter how crisp post you compose but It definitely takes hell lot of Energy and Organisation of Thoughts that you require to put in!) 
  • Make them feel guilty about their deeds using a simple principle ‘TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED!’.( Practically by reading all their posts and supplementing them with likes and catchy comments!)
  • Be with them: Make them understand that in the sea of unknowns and infinite emotions, its their followers who will stand by them( No matter how ‘down to Earth’ your posts are! ) and to be aware of such ‘PSEUDO FOLLOWERS’.
  • By making them understand the principle of Karma.( You just need to mention this and you’re done! You need not say anything more, they are clever enough to understand Karma!)
  • By bestowing enough love on them on every post!( Everyone likes to be praised right? and you actually love the one who Loves you too!)
  • By making them understand that we all are on this platform for specific reasons(Exclusive for each one of us). Be it expressing our heart out, Getting associated with new people and their thoughts, Learn from the experiences of the people across the globe or randomly a sheer display of emotions and writing skills; the known fact is that we all write on WordPress and share it with the world.
  • By criticizing them positively so that they could benefit directly or indirectly from your efforts.   
  • By giving proper respect to each others’ efforts.(I know if you may not have time to read long posts, but you must consider them for reading later and only then should you express your views on the same!)

I guess that’s enough for today! Try It! and Please do spread the word! If any blogger benefits out of it, It shall be a great moment of success for the entire wordpress community.

Thanks for giving your precious time!



15 thoughts on “What can you do to convert your ‘Pseudo Admirers’ into your ‘Fans’!(on wordpress obviously, in real life don’t even try!)

  1. Good one,if you see peopl with 2000followers likes will be like 100 or 200 and in all the case it’s the same,but those 100 or 200 🙂 are the one u should value the most.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well,Thanks to you dear for supporting the cause which is the need of the hour!! Appreciation is way more important than ‘Artificial likes’ and that my friend is very important on a platform like WordPress!! Thanks for stopping by!!☺👍
