CreativeCommoners : An Initiative by the Bloggers for the Bloggers!! Come Join Us!!


Hello guys!! Hope you all are doing good. Today I am here to share something important and interesting.

So, as you can comprehend from the Title of the Blogpost, Few of our fellow bloggers have joined hands to launch a ‘WordPress Bloggers Family‘ on Instagram(@creativecommoners)

Here we share all our creations, be it poetry,short stories,recipies,Photographs, and Videos and remain connected to each other, communicate mutually and try to learn from the insightful comments and views, to improve upon our respective genres.
It’s been a long time since Bloggers were looking forward to stay connected, apart from Community Pool. Hence, the initiative.

I would like to request you to kindly share this on your blogs as well, using reblog , as well as on different social media to allow the bloggers from different domains to get connected!!☺

Hope to see you all there.Thank You.
Lots of Love,


WordPress Bloggers’ Family

Hello guys!! Hope you all are doing good. Today I am here to share something important and interesting.

So, as you can comprehend from the Title of the Blogpost, Few of our fellow bloggers have joined hands to launch a ‘WordPress Bloggers Family‘ on Instagram(@writersofwordpresstogether)

Here we share all our creations, be it poetry,short stories,Photographs, and Videos and remain connected to each other, communicate mutually and try to learn from the insightful comments and views, to improve upon our respective genres.
It’s been a long time since Bloggers were looking forward to stay connected, apart from Community Pool. Hence, the initiative.

I would like to request you to kindly share this on your blogs as well, using reblog , as well as on different social media to allow the bloggers from different domains to get connected!!☺

Hope to see you all there.Thank You.
Lots of Love,


Would you like to Join IncrediblePie on some more social networks?

Hello guys, 

Though WordPress is his home,IncrediblePie is calling for buddies:☺

Join me here :

Facebook Page!



Now, hurry up come and join me!!👍☺ you can LOL later!!😁☺👍

Welcome to the IncrediblePie family!!


The unknown Stranger!

Its a matter of fact, that perhaps everyday we travel in shared cabs, shared rickshaws, RTVs and other mass rapid transit systems, but either we’re in company with our smartphones or in soliloqiuy. with the earphone buds  stuffed in our ears.
It may sound ironic, but I myself have been doing the same since ages and I think would continue to do the same,not because I am an introvert or confined to myself, but because the people around seem to have lost interest in talking among themselves. They’re pretty engrossed in their “Cellular” activities and work. Being a part of the society, I am no exception to this!

But then, while travelling one day to the metro station , I had somehow missed my earphones at home, and to my surprise, that moment made me realize that the world has certainly changed; while some changes are good, some are not, but one thing is for sure, our talks to the virtual world has made us forget the real world to some extent!

I remember the days, a decade ago, when we were travelling to Delhi in the sleeper coach of the train.
Then, People used to talk, laugh, get angry , get hurt, get rejuvenated, and discuss all sorts of things among themselves. Basically, they used to be in the real world. However, bad or good they frame the political system, however judgemental they may be about sportsperson, politicians, bussinessmen, common men; their used to be a spark in their eyes, when strangers talked their heart to fellow travellers,in association just for the sake of the journey, may not even get to know if they would meet again or not, but at the destination station they would surely shake hands, and grab ‘jhappi’ and say, “Achcha ji, Fir milte hain ji (So, we shall see each other again )”

It is not everyday you notice such instances, but when you do, the silence itself speaks much of the things. Probably, we are too busy to roll our eyeballs around the people sitting next to us. Probably, our virtual aquaintance has somehow taken a leap over our real friends and relatives.
It true that we have all sorts of groups on our social home, but at times we must make a small step ahead to break apart these virtual realities of life!

Basically, we become UNKNOWN STRANGER to ourselves!

Afterall, Man has invented virtual world and let this not become the other way round!
Give it a brief thought whenever you’re sort of ‘FREE’.


Those were the days : resumed

Kids of 80s and 90s (Part 2)


Image credits : via google images

We knew a little about the world,but all we knew, itself formed Our World.

The days which marked our ‘years’ of our childhood,were far more like an age.There were limited rules,limited people, limited knowhows, limited emotions and unlimited,carefree fun and frolic, cries and learning, ideas and imaginations!

We had little resources, but we lived each day with enough fervour and enthusiasm, enjoying each moment , though unaware about scholastic and philosophical aspects of ‘Enjoying each day’. We loved our comic characters like our family members. Each doll and each teddy in our house had already proclaimed its existence as a family member,when few of us wrapped our hands and legs around them,at bedtime.
Many of us even carved out the characters from paper or cardboard sheets and maintained a gang of superheroes to challenge our friends’.

We did not hold any bias of rich and poor,high or low castes, above status or below status. We just gleamed out of the fancy world of desires and taboo, to understand the only thing that the guy/girl sitting on the sand hill on the beach is our friend, and we made all sorts of Sand castles playing in dirt and enjoying the Sun.

Someway or the other our Outdoors were a more common place for fun and frolic for us, unlike today when outdoor games have definitely faded away, with their footprints on the sands of time.


Those were the days


Image credits:

Kids of 80s & 90s  part I

As the First Rays of The Sun Marked the beginning of Morning,we packed up our Weapons: Bat,Ball,Chilled water bottles from fridge,
Chair(Not to Sit But to Make it the Wicket) and a piece of Chalk and proceeded towards the Cricket Battle field.

Every grounded shot that touched the wall of the nearby fence, was a four,However if the ball crossed the fence the Batsman was deemed to be OUT!
These were some childish but adament rules,we had to abide by.

As the Clock struck 10,we were called by our Parents to have the breakfast which often meant to be BRUNCH for us!!

Each lesson that we used to learn with the notebook in our hands,with the eyeballs rotating in every possible direction,is still rejoiceable.

Every Sunday at 12,it was our Fundamental Right to sit Infront of the Television, for Our Favourite show SHAKTIMAN.
Whether in our own TV or the TV for the colony,there used to be equal amount of Rush,and No one wanted to be interrupted during these 3600 seconds!!

The only movie we used to watch in our homes was the movie at 4 on Sunday Evenings.

We didnt have Computers,Mobiles etc, bUT I still remember some of my friends explaining the PAINS they took to connect the VIDEOGAME to the TV,And play
Mario and Hocus Pocus.

The games included Pakdam Pakdai(Cop and the Thief),Chupan Chupai(Hide and Seek),Denga Paani,Vyapaari(The Business game),Ludo,And the most Interesting was to play

Miss those Childhood Days!!


Dreams Unleashed!

Looking towards the acme,
I feel myself uplifted to the Seventh skies as if Inspiration has become my wings to fly across the limitless canvas of Sky painted with the clouds and Amazing colours of the Rainbow.

Seeing the Birds flying together,giving their flock a beautiful pattern; I feel that someday, I too will be like a bird,enjoy every microsecond of my life,when I will traverse across the length and width of the mighty Universe.

Watching the fishes on the National Geographic Channel, I feel that,someday I will experience their Wonderful and Magnificent world,sailing across the oceans,swimming along with the fishes,as if i am one among them.

They say its a dream,
They say I am stupid,
They say Be Practical,Be Real,
They say What if u dreams are not fulfilled,

But……..Who Cares???
Be clear:
Dream more and Make your dreams, Your Destination,Your aim,Your Life,
Give it ,whatever it demands and you will make it Turn
into reality.


Feel It!

Close your Eyes.


Take your mind to a mountain top covered with frizzy snow and a cushion of frothy snow makes your legs feel comfortable.



The winds are cool.You can clearly listen to their roars in the vast valley before yourself.
Yeah, that is, bit furious and you are probably horrified.

Grab all of your voice and scream out loud, ” Aaaaaaa. …oooooo….yaaa….hhh” for 10 seconds.


You hear the echo, as if the valleys are repeating after your narration.
” Aaaaaa… .ooooo…yaaaa…hh”

Now you feel better! Much better. A sudden silence grips you.You feel your soul!

Stretch apart your arms.

Take deep breaths.

Feel the aroma of the moist soil,amidst the snow covered peaks.

Feel the gusts of wind, gently massaging your face.

Feel the tiny raindrops and drizzle on your face, subjecting your soul into a world of bliss.

Feel your every heartbeat, as if they’ve a lot to talk to you!

As if they, had been craving since time immemorial, to find some time to share their feelings,with you.

Talk to them. Share all of your thoughts. All of your emotions. All of your experiences.
You will feel good. Extremely Good!



A Monologue with Life!


Pondering over my thoughts,in a monologue with Life, It says
” Follow me and You shall be led towards the world of Dreams”, “Hold all the Happiness , Hold all the Flowers of Glory and you shall be established on the Acme of Success.”
“I shall pave your path towards Living up your dreams”.

Dreams that were locked in the chains of Pessimism, the dreams that were piled up due to Lack of Confidence and Disbelief in myself, that were based on Countless emotions of Mind, Infinite capabilities of the Unconquered soul;
were all free now.

Free to Rejoice over each moment of Smile,
Free to Sing in a high pitched voice,
Free to Dance with Enthusiasm,
Free to make myself believe
“Yes It Is You, It is You “


Those were the days….

4177513370_c2ff04c595 Richie-Rich1

“Those were the days…”, quiet often do we discover ourselves introspecting into past. A ‘past’ which was ‘present’ at that moment. The things used to be different from what they are today. Some of the things were better yesterday, some are better today. ‘Then ‘ & ‘Now’ ,much of the things have changed.

There were no cellphones, but the bonds among families were stronger.

There were no Computers, but there were many friends to play along with.

There were no Credit/Debit Cards , but the 1 Rupee coin given along with the 10 Rupee Note ,added to one’s dignity.

There were limited TV Channels,but the AIR Broadcast and Vividh Bharati, DD1 & DD Metro played a very important role in our lives.

“Sandheshe Aate the, Hame Tadpaatey the”,pretty touching,isn’t it.?
Skype,hike,viber,Whatsapp and Many more; but what about Emotions?? Do they really exist?

Find a small fraction of Time from your busy schedules, and obviously, dont forget to ..ADD EMOTIONS TO YOUR whatsapp & fb CONTACTS..
